"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9
Netivah works in close cooperation with the Youth Leaders in the local Messianic communities in Israel. Our goal is to encourage, support and train the Youth Leaders for service in the community and the body of Messiah.
We believe that the Youth Leader has an important part in the growth process of the youth within the community and therefore it is important for us to provide the Youth Leaders with the appropriate support and tools for guidance.
To meet this calling, we regularly hold Leader seminars that enrich the Youth Leaders knowledge in a variety of fields, Fellowship and reaching out to Youth Leaders from different communities, and thus creating opportunities for Fellowship and youth outreach.
In addition, Netivah is working on developing a training program for new Youth Leaders, the program is made up of several sessions that will provide a basis for training and help the Leaders gain confidence and important tools to serve in the Local Congregations.