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"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Colossians 2:6-7

Netivah Youth Ministries is a messianic body that works in the field of youth work among the messianic community in Israel.

Our ambition is to see the believing youth and soldiers grow and be rooted in their faith, educate them to follow Yeshua with love and be an example to the people around them.

Our activities are based on cooperation with the messianic pastors and youth Leaders In order to encourage the growth of the youth within the local body here in Israel.

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Our Ministry:

Development of a long-term ministry plan for youth work in Israel, based on cooperation between the Netivah youth ministries and the local believing community.

Arranging activities for the youth and the soldiers:
Organizing national youth events that include youth conferences, Soldier conferences, Hiking trips, Camps, volunteering, and more...


Training of youth workers:

We Arrange seminars for youth leaders and messianic Leaders, providing tools, and developing resources and training materials.

Support and building youth ministry in Israel:
Increasing awareness of the needs of youth and soldiers among the believing body, Development and maintenance of databases, and a communication network for the youth leaders, to encourage the community of believers to support those involved in youth and soldiers ministry.

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